fredag 19. oktober 2007

Avisenes framtid

Michael Malone har skrevet en sterkt polemisk, men ganske interessant artikkel om New York Times verdifall på børsen, den håpløse nettstrategien og avisas profil. Der står dette tankevekkende resonnementet:

But the Times made one more mistake -- one which it alone could make, and which I think ultimately led to yesterday's meltdown. Most newspapers adopted the always dangerous strategy of trying to become more like one's competitors rather than establishing the defensible position of being even more true to oneself. Like most newspapers, the Times decided to become more timely, more hip, and more judgmental than the electronic media -- when it should have become better reported, more objective, and better written; professionalism being the one arena where the new competitors would have a hard time competing.

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